Vacations over!

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Vacations over!


Postby Soundman2020 » Thu, 2020-Mar-05, 13:21

Summer has come to an end here, and vacations are over, so it's time to get back to work! 8-)

I've been making the most of the last couple of weeks to take a break (hence, I have not been very active here on the forum), but all good things come to and end, including summer vacations, ... so it's time to get back into the swing of things!

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Vacations over!


Postby Avare » Fri, 2020-Mar-13, 02:22

Welcome back!

Good studio building is 90% design and 10% construction.

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Vacations over!


Postby Soundman2020 » Fri, 2020-Mar-13, 13:47

Avare wrote:Source of the post Welcome back!
Thanks! :thu:

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Vacations over!


Postby Purelythemusic » Fri, 2020-Mar-13, 19:25


Welcome back! Hope your vacations have you as refreshed as a properly designed and built HVAC system and have left you in a state of absolute calm as if frequency response times are within 1db across the entire frequency spectrum and their decay times are within 5ms of each other.

- Success in music is being able to make music whatever your situation -

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Vacations over!


Postby Soundman2020 » Thu, 2020-Mar-26, 13:40

Purelythemusic wrote:Source of the post Hope your vacations have you as refreshed as a properly designed and built HVAC system and have left you in a state of absolute calm as if frequency response times are within 1db across the entire frequency spectrum and their decay times are within 5ms of each other.
:thu: I was actually doing fine with all of the above. Smooth, calm, clear... Then came the Corona virus thing, and messed it all up again! :roll: :shock: Frequency response is way off, calm is gone, but isolation is now extreme! :) Yesterday many parts of the city where I live were put in complete lock-down, including our area: You can't even walk your dog without getting a temporary permit! Which is a good thing, actually: Too many people just aren't taking this seriously at all, and it seems the only way to get their attention is to whack them across the head with a 2x4! Young people just don't seem to get how serious this is... and probably still won't, until an older family member is affected. By then, it will be too late.

We have been in self imposed quarantine for nearly two weeks already, but now it's more than just "self imposed". Now it is official. Good! Complete night curfew (22:00 - 05:00), and the only day-time "travel" allowed right now is to the supermarket, pharmacy, or hospital. Nothing else (and essential services, of course). So the last few days have been a bit crazy, getting stuff organized to keep us going in isolation for the next few weeks. So I'd say that isolation here is around 120 dB right now! Nothing at all is getting in o out...

I do hope you and everyone else on the forum is doing OK, and well protected! One of my daughters is a doctor, and her advice has been simply: "Stay home: do not go out AT ALL!". She won't even come visit us now, as she takes care of patients in the ICU at two hospitals here, so she's exposed on the front lines, every day. So she hasn't been around our place for a couple of weeks already. She sees things how they really are, first-hand, so I'm taking her advice very seriously. We are in this for the long haul, it seems: likely about a month, at least, before we can get out and about again. So for everyone who hasn't done so already, please do stock up on some extra supplies, then just go home and lock the door until May.

- Stuart -

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Vacations over!


Postby Pochtitesas » Mon, 2020-Jun-22, 11:27

That's one of the best feeling when you back after good vacations! You are full of energy and enthusiasm...that's really good.
I wish you good luck and productive work time.

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